
We provide expert advice and analysis on the latest foreign policy developments.

The New Diplomacy Project publishes regular briefings that provide both detailed background and specific policy recommendations. These briefings are written by members of the executive committee alongside our network of researchers and policy specialists. Every paper is reviewed by external subject-matter experts. The views contained in them are those of the authors, not the New Diplomacy Project, our parliamentary supporters, or our advisory council.

Haydn Belfield Haydn Belfield

How should a Labour Government respond to AI risks?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a key area of industrial strategy and international cooperation and competition.

AI has made much progress over the past decade, which has been called the “AI Summer”. In particular, the launch of ChatGPT has rocketed AI up the agenda of many companies and governments. AI progress is likely to continue at a rapid pace over the coming decade.

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James Jennion James Jennion

The ‘network of liberty’: slogan or strategy?

The growing assertiveness of authoritarian actors means the UK has a key role to play in promoting democracy and human rights globally. It is vital that this is done through concrete action, not merely by speechifying about democratic values.

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Edward Elliott Edward Elliott

UK sports diplomacy in 2022: events and boycotts

The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics are putting a global spotlight on China. The UK has the opportunity, through its diplomatic boycott of the Games, to use that spotlight to draw attention to human rights abuses.

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Ben Horton, David Lawrence, Anisa Mahmood Ben Horton, David Lawrence, Anisa Mahmood

AUKUS: Security and foreign policy implications

Labour should welcome AUKUS in principle as a stabilising pact between liberal democracies, in a region which could experience rising tensions in coming years.

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Pitch a briefing

Are there particular foreign policy issues that you think we should be focusing on? Let us know!