
We provide expert advice and analysis on the latest foreign policy developments.

The New Diplomacy Project publishes regular briefings that provide both detailed background and specific policy recommendations. These briefings are written by members of the executive committee alongside our network of researchers and policy specialists. Every paper is reviewed by external subject-matter experts. The views contained in them are those of the authors, not the New Diplomacy Project, our parliamentary supporters, or our advisory council.

Sam Goodman, David Lawrence and Isabelle Younane Sam Goodman, David Lawrence and Isabelle Younane

Preparing for the Integrated Review

The Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy is an ongoing, cross-governmental review launched in 2019. The review is expected to be published in March 2021, though this is later than originally planned and there has been some speculation that this could be delayed even further.

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Pitch a briefing

Are there particular foreign policy issues that you think we should be focusing on? Let us know!